Home > Blog > #PKMChat 2016-03-02 Keeping a Learning Journal

Time: New York Wed, Mar 2nd, 2 PM ET, Paris 8 PM CET, Sydney Thu, Mar 3rd 6 AM AEDT

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Hashtag: #PKMChat

Dedicated Hosts: @pkmchat

Moderators: @brunowinck, @kneaver

Questions will come from @pkmchat, you may want to reply to @pkmchat to prevent your tweets to disturb your followers.

Venue: Twitter, your favorite tool

Dress Code: GIFs, Memes and pancakes are OK

See you there!

What is and how to keep a Learning Journal or a Progress Log

For me a Learning Journal is not findings but really what was learned, what took effort, concentration, focus and application to achieve it. I don’t dwell on it, it’s often just a mention in my general log. An important learning could justify by itself a half day spent. When I look back at my day when I stop for the night I often balance doing with learning. If I took an important lesson toward my goals it’s a good day. This is my view. There are plenty of different interpretations, usages and practice around the learning journal and this is our topic. It’s likely the chat will be like a brainstorming session, a collection of ideas shared with no consensus. After a few days something may emerge and be shared.

Austin Kleon

I was reminded of this fact while reading this tweet https://medium.com/@austinkleon/what-happened-when-i-used-my-own-journal-for-a-month-3a7bbe65a63d Austin Kleon using his own journal. It’s a challenge a he took of eating his own food for a month and share it on Instagram. You wil find it here https://www.instagram.com/austinkleon/ A creative way of using Instagram by the way. The last picture is “What I learned from using my won journal”
Notice that the left page of the tweet is about personal versus professional growth. An inspiring topic as well.

Learning Journal in #PKMChat

This topic appeared sporadically in #PKMChat – One question Q5 in March 4th, 2015, exactly a year ago. Do you keep track of your learning? Do you have a learning plan – One question in last chat on tools. I placed a collection of tweets in the right column. I love to use lists of tweets from past chats as a learning journal. WordPress and search makes it especially easy. The podcast: http://megamaker.co/ Yet the topic has not been explored in depth in the #PKMChat way. A journal is great tool for keeping a log of progress.

In Real Learning

The benefits of a progress log ( a plog) was explained by JayCross in his Real Learning book and he turned it into practice on https://jaycrossplog.wordpress.com/2015/10/29/plog-and-blog/ Here is the detailed page http://reallearning.biz/monitor-your-progress/ , the connection with WOL https://jaycrossplog.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/hey-im-working-out-loud-here/ and the instructions https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1922865/Plog%20instructions..pdf It’s really how to setup a blog for it but the interesting bit is the proposed category list: Enter tags you’ll use to classify posts, for example: • Daily Reflection • Weekly Review • Self Assessment • Goals & Aspirations • Plans for Change PKMChat being about Personal Knowledge Management encompass Knowledge lifecycle in general. Our first chat was about learning, acquiring Knowledge. Our second is about sharing it. Week after weeks we will switch from one end of the lifecycle to another while exploring all the channels that could be used: social, formal, writing, videos. Feel free to suggest topics by tweeting to @pkmchat.


None yet


Icebreaker:What is your favorite acronym

  • Q1: Do you keep a journal? Which tool(s) do you use?
  • Q2: What do you write or keep in your learning journal? How much detail?
  • Q3: When do you (would you) write? Is it a ritual, a discipline, a habit?
  • Q4: Which benefits did you expect?
  • Q5: Which benefits do you experience?
  • Q6: Are you inspired by others journal?
  • Q7: Do you (would you) share your journal? Integraly, partially?, privately?
  • Q8: Do you (would you) read it with a distance, like end of month, a year after? Why?
  • Q9: Would you encourage anyone to start a learning progress journal?
  • NB: Questions are subject to change without notice.

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